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This is a film by Emaginariumm Productions.

Emaginariumm Productions is made up of two female filmmakers who met as fate would have it, at the Madrid Airport. They were both attending Northern Arizona University studying film and spanish but had never run into each other. While visiting Portugal with a group of students, the two were sitting on a patch of grass, taking it all in and got to talking about film. After they returned to the States, they started making movies together and then formed the production company. A lot has happened since then but they are still here. Still makin' movies. Hope you enjoy!




Recognition for "Reverie":

  • Made in 30 days as part of the Indepdent Filmmakers of Phoenix Breakout Challenge, we were given a line of dialogue and a prop that we had to use in the film. Our time limit was six minutes. 

  • This was the first challenge Emaginariumm Productions had participated in. 

  • Reverie won Best Cinematography, Best Editing and Best Picture against 17 other films with the same qualifications. 

  • This film went on to be short listed for an award in the Emerging Cinematographer's category for the One Screen Short Festival in New York. 

  • Still awaiting news from several other submissions. 












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